I’m back, back in that same old groove…

There has been so much going on in my daily life the past year, I can’t fathom attempting to make something digestible here to even remotely come close to what I’ve felt. What I’ve witnessed. I’m not even entirely sure I want to.

What I do want and need to do is figure out what the point of this venture is going to be. Am I going to keep this at all? Will this, like all my other projects turn to internet dust?

As M and I venture further into this co-host world, I am met more and more with the reality that what I do day to day isn’t want I want to be doing ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. I miss being creative. I miss spending hours trying to craft a sentence in just the right way to pull at someone’s memory. I miss feeling like I was a part of a special little niche world. I miss running my Daria fan site. I miss talking about the pop culture things that I hold so dear and how they effect and act as a mirror to the real world – even if there’s vampires and monsters.

I want the fire back, but where do I start to get it?

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