I’m going to put this here because I don’t know what else to do with it at the moment.
She’s really loud today. She’s angry, and mean, and biting. She wants to lash out that nothing matters and it’s all pointless so why bother making plans or trying to make connections anymore?
What’s the fucking point? All the lines repeating over and over. How I won’t be missed, how people move on because you’ve already seen it, how much easier it could be. Maybe you could hug your friends again and then just not exist anymore.
These days are hard and it’s getting harder to shut her down, to find the light.
I know I should reach out, but I won’t. I don’t. No one needs this person. No one needs THIS me. This is not the me that has any use.
The thing is even the me that might have some use won’t reach either. For the same reasons. I don’t feel needed/wanted/cared about enough for anyone to seek me and my continual not reaching out and not making connections only exacerbates that and I fall into the same thought cycle over and over.
I should probably try therapy again, at least try something, anything. I don’t know if it really helped before or if I deluded myself into thinking that.
Maybe that’s all anything is anymore, delusions to distract from the shitfest that is reality.
Does not help at all that finding the light in the world at large grows a more difficult task with every passing day.
I’ve always had a distaste for humanity at large, it’s only getting worse so it’s quite simple to turn the knife on myself.
I miss my friends. Not just the dead ones.