Give my love to my friends.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Season 5 – “The Gift”
You have to take care of them now.
You have to take care of each other.
You have to be strong.
The hardest thing in this world is to live in it.
Be brave. Live.
For me.
I did it. I finally fucking did it and of course now I wonder why I waited so long.
Fear. That’s easy.
There’s a lot packed into three little words and one punctuation mark. I guess I’ll start with the main inspiration, discovered by me on reddit not too long after Aaron. I saw a trend of people getting semicolon tattoos or tattoos with semicolon’s in them. That led me to and I was sold. I needed a tattoo with this involved.
The project aims to remove the stigma of talking about suicide and uses donations to help organizations like themselves in their goal. Their focus and work with teens stuck me as that’s when my own struggles began.
After Aaron, I thought about that episode of Buffy, and how I sometimes repeat the ‘The hardest thing in this world is to live it it. Be brave. Live” part to myself. Seemed fitting. The idea was born to put the two together, but like all my other tattoo ideas, I’ve just sat on it.
Jess was the last straw. So fuck it. Really the phrase for me is a nicer version of ‘fuck it’. You get one life, live it. Be brave. Do cool shit. Also, completely acceptable to be at home living a chill ass life. All are welcome.
I fucking did it guys. Holy. Shit.